LUTZE Inc. Announces New Representation in California and Arizona – Western Automation

LUTZE Inc. is pleased to announce the newest addition to our North American team, Western Automation, Inc.  Since 1958 WAI has been covering the Southwest region of the United States as a manufacturer’s representative.  Their group of 10 industrial sales professionals is excited to join the LUTZE organization and look forward to immediately enhancing our coverage in the states of California and Arizona.


Ray Eksir, LUTZE Regional Sales Manager states “WAI brings the perfect mix of energetic, professional salespeople, and a local market knowledge that is unsurpassed.  I’ve known most of their team for years and look forward to working with them very closely.”  


Glenn Mihelich, WAI President adds “We are very excited to join the LUTZE team, and look forward to servicing their sales channels and customers.  I expect LUTZE to quickly become a large part of what we do.  They offered us a unique opportunity to partner with a growing global automation supplier, while providing exceptional products that directly applies to our local markets.”


We, at LUTZE Inc., look forward to a long prosperous relationship with Western Automation while continuing to provide world-class customer service and automation control components.

Nook Series 200 Precision Slide Systems

Nook can provide you with a new slide system or a replacement for any slide purchased through others in the industry. We've built our reputation in linear motion by holding our products to the highest standards and our commitment to providing complete system solutions.

Nook Series 200 Precision Slides can be supplied with Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, Stepper & Servo Drives and Motion Controllers.

Nook Series 200 slide systems are assembled slides which include:


  • Adaptable to any drive system
  • Flexible Design
  • Use where end supported systems are needed
  • Pre-aligned, easy installation